We both went to our homes and my mom was waiting for me, she looked at me with sadness as I was crying entering the house. My mom come to hug me and told me everything will be fine as time goes. My dad come back very late than usual and him and mom were having a serious talk for a long time in the their bedroom. I tried to listening through the closed door but couldn’t understand what they were talking about.
“I know this is a lot for her, but it’s the best that me and Mr Jonas are not close to each other after this business,” Said Mr Vilakazi.
“I understand husband, this job is risky, Khwezi will be fine as time goes,” replied Mrs Vilakazi.
Mr Vilakazi explained, “My love tomorrow I want you to go to the bank and deposit some money to our daughters school saving account, this money will pay for her school fees until she finishes university or college.”
Mrs Vilakazi replied, “I will do so first thing in the morning before work.”
“I will make sure to deposit another cash on her personal account that she will able to use when she’s 21, we also have to make sure that our funeral covers are well couse anything might happen and I don’t want my daughter to suffer after I am dead,” explained Mr Vilakazi.
Mrs Vilakazi replied, “I know my husband me too.” (They hugged).
My mom was right as time went by I healed. Sipho and I keep in touch for nine years, we called each other everyday, sent presents to each other for our birthdays and sometimes video called each other. Meanwhile my father was teaching me some cool things like shooting a gun, driving and self defense lessons. He said I might need these things in the future, even though I wasn’t sure why I would need them I trained.
At the age of 20 i lost both my parents in a car accident, I was young didn’t know much about preparing a funeral but since I had no one I had to be strong and do it. After the funeral my parents lawyer come and showed me a video that my parents left for me. What my dad told me choked me, my father wasn’t just a civil engineer, but also a lawyer who won a case against the biggest gangster in Port Elizabeth, apparently he was working with Mr Jonas so that’s why the Jonas family left that day.