My mom was walking with crutches as she was on her way to the police station to fetch my Dad. Apparently my Dad was having an affair with the lady that lives across the street so when my mom asked him about the affair he got angry and beat her up. My parents would fight almost every weekend I seemed to get used to their fighting .

One night as everyone was sleeping I heard my mm making sounds when I looked at her it was like she was choking I woke my Dad and we tried waking her up but she kept on biting her tounge talking something’s that didn’t even make sense , I was scared so I cried and went back to sleep. In the morning I woke up to see that my Dad was still sleeping he said he’s not going to work he’s going to look after my Mom .

I couldn’t focus at school even though my Dad gave me extra pocket money I had stress thinking about my mom ,how could such things happen while she’s pregnant. On our way home Hannah asked me what was wrong with mom I couldn’t tell her as I knew nothing so I told her she has flu .