Ohhh and we lived in the same yard with my granny but she had her own two room. Months later my grandmother found a job for my mother at a creche in Glenvista. Well mom helped dad with groceries that’s when I saw how beautiful she was because she bought herself nice clothes always did her hair.

After 6months of working she quit her job as she had endless painful headache and was pregnant with precious. Moving to Sebokeng changed my parents lifestyle my Dad would come back home drunk everyday while my mother would stay the whole day doing nothing but drinking with her neighbors,I didn’t like the life they were now living but what can I say im still young.

One night when my Dad got home they had a fight with my mom and I remember seeing my Dad climbing the table so He could break it into pices he took all six chairs hit my mother with them on the head . I went back to bed but Hannah kept on screemimg till my grandmother came everyone was now outside some of them were laughing some were still shocked , but my grandmother’s presence did not stop him . My mom was lying on the floor with her panty I guess my Dad roped of her night dress that’s where he dragged her outside with my grandmother pleading for my mom he kicked her so hard when they got outside people started to pull my Dad away from mom.

Mom called the police they took my Dad with them as mom was taken to the hospital. I kept asking myself what would have led to that huge fight, so we went to sleep with my grandmother. In the morning we woke up and went to school.

Tell us: Do you think it was a good thing for Nolwazi’s parent to fight while her mother was pregnant?