One night turned to three days, yeah that’s right. It is the third day at Ndoni’s house and I must say I never thought I would stay with a girl ever. Unfortunately she still doesn’t know the reason behind my escape or why I was arrested, if she does know I’m dead meat. She is going to kick me out and I have fallen for her.

I know I said that I will never fall for her but I did, I am so in love with her and she doesn’t know at all. I’m watching TV when Ndoni storms inside looking very angry “Why you didn’t tell me?!” she shouts.

“Whoa tell you what? What’s going on?” I ask confused.

“That you are a serial killer! I saw at the news that you are currently the most wanted dangerous criminal and you were arrested because of numerous murders!” she still shouts. Oh no I knew it was going to happen “Ndoni please let me explain” I say.

“Explain what?! I can’t believe that I’m living with a serial killer! So you are also planning to kill me right?” she asks.

“What? That’s insane why would I do that?” I ask.

“That’s because you are a serial killer!” she shouts. “Can’t believe I trusted you”

“Ndoni please let me explain everything, I know that I am a bad person but I want to explain it to you how did I become like this, give me this chance to explain and you can kick me out afterwards” I say.


I decided to sit down and hear whatever he is going to say to him, I was really shocked to hear that he is a serial killer. I’m not the person to keep up with the latest gossip but I heard from people and saw it on the news too “Fine you can explain” I say.

“Many years ago, my parents died and my extended family gave me up or rather sold me to a family. This family looked innocent and God-fearing but it was too good to be true. I was five when I found out that they were cultists, they killed people for sacrifice. I was exposed to that kind of world, I learnt to kill at the age of six. I even killed my foster family because I was so used to killing, by the time I started schooling the rage for killing already exploded, I killed everyone from teachers to classmates and I got expelled in grade 5. No school wanted to take me because they feared for their lives. They couldn’t arrest me because I was young, they waited until I was 18. But before I turned 18 I continued killing people until I was arrested when I turned 18 and got sentenced to 10 life imprisonments, when I got to jail it was worse because them prisoners used to provoke me and I would strangle them to death, I can’t control this thing Ndoni. It’s like a demon living inside me, and I never wanted to kill you Ndoni instead you make me want to change, I want to fight this demon” he says with tears on his eyes. Wow! To say I am shocked is an understatement, I don’t know how to describe this feeling.

“It’s too much to take it Buchule, I don’t know what to say” I say.

“I get it if you want to kick me out, I am too much and I don’t deserve your kindness” he says. Holding his hands “Don’t say that, for the fact that you want to change means something and I don’t want to kick you out because I love you” I say. I didn’t know I would say that but it is true, I love him, a lot.

“I love you too Ndoni but you don’t deserve me, I am too stained for you. You are so innocent” he says.

“Don’t say that, we can make it work” I say.

“We can’t, I need to undergo a change that’s why I am turning myself in. I am going back to prison, please call the cops and tell them that I am here” he says. I burst into tears, I really don’t want him to leave, he would be my first boyfriend.