Six months had already passed when I heard rumours “Hey friend,I hope you are happy now that your man has been discharged” my best friend Luhle had told me. “Yeah” I answered her in just one word .I didn’t even know what she was talking about but I also couldn’t let her make a big deal of it. I knew his parents would forbid me from seeing him so I didn’t even bother to visit him. Days passed and there was no sign of him .


On one evening I was at the shop when I saw him coming towards me. Or atleast I thought so. I felt so heartbroken when he passed me. After he bought something that I didn’t even notice and travelled to the direction of his home. I called after him”Ray..Ray”. He stood and looked at me shocked. “Hey, how do you know my name when I haven’t even seen you before” he said still looking shocked. “Ohhh please just stop all this act I’m not in the mood” I said almost giggling. He stood there quietly looking at me as if trying to remember something. I snapped at him. He touched his head as if feeling a headache and quickly excused himself leaving me standing there all alone.


After meeting him I didn’t even know what to think. I didn’t want to accept that he suffered a memory loss. Everyday I saw him at school I would feel abandoned. I couldn’t bear the pain of thinking about losing him like that.


On Friday afternoon I saw the same Suzuki at the gate of the school. I was walking alone towards the gate when I suddenly saw Ray getting inside the car. ‘Did I just saw them kissing through the open car window? ‘ that was the question that came along with no answer but more other questions. I ambled down the road to the nearest playground .I didn’t feel like going home because I knew that my sister would nag on me asking many questions,and I didn’t want to answer those questions as I had questions of my own with no-one to answer. ‘Why did he only forget about me and not about anything else? ‘ I kept on asking myself that question.


When I woke up the following day, my pillow was wet from my tears and my sister was already sitting by my bedside with an inquiring look. “You have to tell me what happened because you arrived very late yesterday and didn’t even touch your food. Plus you were crying all night, now tell me”.I cleared my throat as I sat on my bed “Not now please sis” said as I went to the toilet. “Later then! ” she called after me. When I was at the toilet I thought why wouldn’t I tell her when she was my only family on this country. Later that day I told her everything and she told me to have patience and hoped that everything would be alright in no time. “Exams are around the corner girl, you need to pull yourself together” she said. After telling her the story I felt a little relieved .