All my life, they lied to me. I knew that they were hiding something from me, but I never thought that it would be something THIS big.
I couldn’t stop the tears in my eyes, I was speechless. Xavier came to sit down next to me and rubbed my back. His parents were shocked at the news.

“What do you mean you are not my real parents?”

“Your real parents died when you were 5 months old. They gave you to us, with a simple instruction…”

“And what was that?”
Xavier’s mother asked

“To keep her safe.”

“Safe from what exactly?”
I asked my dad

“Austria, I know that you are mad at us right now. You have to understand that we did try to keep this a secret until you reached the age of 18. Clearly that wasn’t successful. There is a man, a powerful vampire who is hunting us down; he wants you.”

“Why didn’t you tell us anything? We could have helped you,”
Xavier’s dad said.

“This is a very powerful man; I wouldn’t want to put your lives in danger. I didn’t want your son to grow up without his parents like Austria did.”

“At least she had you guys,”
Xavier told my parents

“Yes, she had us; she still has us. But life isn’t the same without your real parents”
Thomas was right in a way. Xavier was right too, at least I have loving parents that showed me unconditional love.
I listened carefully to everything Cleo told me. I did my best to remain calm throughout the whole discussion.

“Your parents were not normal Austria. Your dad was a vampire, and your mom was a witch. You my dear, are not normal either, you are half witch and half vampire.”
I looked at them with wide eyes. I can’t believe what I’m hearing right now. So I’m one of those things that killed Kimberley?

“Don’t feel bad about it Austria; you get good and bad vampires. The person that killed your friend Kimberley, could possibly be the one that’s hunting you and your family down,”
Xavier says
I hate it when he reads my thoughts. I really have to be careful around him with what I’m thinking about. My parents looked at us weird. They kept looking back and forth between me and Xavier.

“How did you read her thoughts?”
My dad asks

“You could only do that to someone if you’re….”
She stops and pauses shortly, then looks at us with wide eyes. She looks like a kid who just saw candy.

“Oh my god, he’s your mate!”
Xavier’s parents were smiling. They knew, Xavier probably told them.

“Yes I am, and I’m proud to be her mate. Wow took you guys long enough to figure it out,”
Xavier tells her.
I’m left confused about reading other people’s thoughts.

“What did dad mean when he asked how could Xavier read my thoughts?”

“Honey, in order to read someone’s thoughts, you have to be in a group of vampires, their mate or if you’re human, we use a trick on you called mind reading. Your mom figured it out because it was too easy. You are not a human, so obviously he couldn’t use the mind reading trick. You not apart of our group, well at least not yet. The only option left is that you are mates,”
Xavier’s mother explains to me.

“And I have something else to tell you too. If you ready to hear more,”
Xavier tells me
I looked at him confused and weird, but also interested in what he has to say.

“Go on, I’m prepared. I’ve heard enough weird things tonight, so what’s one more, right?”
He laughs at me, probably knowing what my reaction will be once he tells me.

“Austria…. I’m a prince. I’m the soon to be next king of the kingdom of vampires. My parents are the current king and queen.”
I looked at him with wide eyes. What the hell? I’m in love with a PRINCE!! ROYALTY!!
I take a moment to breath before I realised something.

“If you’re the next king, then that means…..”

“You’re my queen.”
My night just went from bad to good. Everything got a whole lot better.
The rest of the evening, we spoke about things that I should know about being a vampire and a witch. Xavier’s parents said that it’s rare for a witch and vampire to be paired together, but they can become powerful once they mark and mate each other.
Xavier says this might be the reason why I am being hunted down by whoever this man is. He found out that I’m a witch, a powerful one. He wants me for himself, so that he could take over the whole of the supernatural world.
I wasn’t upset with my parents, or shall I call them my adoptive parents. My parents gave me to them to protect me, they died to save me. I will always be grateful for what they’ve done.
The reason why I’m human still and why I smell like one, is because I’m not 18 yet. Once I’m 18, my vampire and my witch side will start to show. My birthday however, is in a month’s time.
Xavier’s parents said that I will have to stay by his side 24/7, because there is a possibility that this vampire dude, who I still don’t know the name of could have found me. GREAT!! Now I have to fight for survival, and I have to watch my back and make sure that no one follows me.
Xavier, his parents and mine, are working together to find out more information about this guy. Apparently no one knows his real name, because he goes by many fake ones. There is only one person that might know it, but it’s quite difficult to get a hold of that person.
The guy’s name is Chase, his personal assistant and also his childhood friend. The only thing that I know about these two, is that they will stop at nothing to try and get to me.
To be honest, I’m scared. I thought that I was normal, but it turns out I’m not. My whole world got turned upside down.
Maybe being a vampire is not such a bad thing after all. Besides, they get to live forever while humans die of old age. I made my decision and decided that this is my life now.
I’m staying with Xavier and my new family, as well as my parents. I know that they will always have my back.