two days later after Thandiwe has been arrested…her mother in law came to visit.Sam is worried about Thandiwe and decides to visit her

(Molefe Mansion)

Sam’s mother:Hey son, how are you holding up?

Sam: I’m not really okay worried about Thandiwe.You know, Avethandwa asked me about her .So I’m going to see her today.

Sam’s mother: eyy ngwanaka you should go.I don’t think she killed her friend, it’s unlike her

(Police Station ;Interrogation room)

Det Biyela: So Mrs Molefe how are you?

Thandiwe:im Okay thanks for asking (annoyed)

Det Biyela: im going to ask you a few questions and please answer them truthfully,got it?

Thandiwe:yeah ok shoot

Det Biyela:so what happened in the restaurant?

Thandiwe:i went back to the restaurant to fetch my purse.i find my friend and Samantha biting their heads off,i asked what’s happening.Zozibini tried to explain… (sighs) Samantha took a knife nearby and stabbed Zozibini to death. I tried calling the police,she snatched my phone and called them her self.Please detective don’t let her get away with this so please believe me.. I wouldn’t kill my friend (Crying)

Det Biyela: tell me something why should I believe you,? we have All The evidence that points to you mrs Molefe. Samantha also told me that you and the deceased were not on good terms and you guys never got along since high school.apparently you’re invited her on purpose inorder to know all about her achievements, family so that you can take that away from her bit by bit… is that correct Mrs Molefe?

Thandiwe: whatever she told you is not the truth Samantha was our high school bully.That woman hates me okay?I don’t know what have I done to her, she’s a liar and always will be!! Listen detective you must make sure that my friend gets justice. I’ll never been arrested for something I’ve never done…Never! (Crys hysterically)

Detective goes out tells an officer to take thandiwe to the cells

Tell us: Thandiwe tries to convince the detective to look deeper.Will the detective do so?if not then why?