Samantha arrives at her house,she finds Thato worried and goes to embrace him

Samantha: I’m so sorry babe

Thato: you’re sorry?Sam I’ve been worried sick about you.

Samantha: please forgive me my love. (Pauses for a while) Are the girls asleep?


Samantha: thanks love, you’re a great father

and an amazing husband (smiles and tries to hide her tears)

Thato: what’s wrong? Samantha what happened at the restaurant? (Asks in a worrying tone) and don’t even try to hide it I know you very well

Samantha: I did something terribly wrong and accused someone else.that person could face jail time for a very long time because of the evidence found on the scene (crying)

Thato: Samantha how could you do that huh?

Samantha: I couldn’t risk to lose you,our children,and everything I’ve worked hard for

Thato: Samantha what did you do?Tell me every single thing that happened!

Samantha: I fought with Zozibini, Thandiwe was fetching her purse she tried to stop us from fighting I got so angry that i…

Thato: took a sharp object and used it to kill Zozibini? and you Samantha since you’re a cunning,evil person you decided to frame Thandiwe.Let me tell you something my dear wife, every action has consequences.You won’t get away with this crime nx!

Samantha:well let me tell you Thato.I already did get away with this and no one will ever know what I did.and besides, maybe she deserves it

Samantha goes to sleep

Tell us:Samantha doesn’t seem to regret throwing Thandiwe under the bus.What would you do in this situation?