Sam and Thandiwe are at the restaurant’s parking lot

Thandiwe: wait for me here. I’ll be back

Sam: Okay my love be careful (he smiles)

Thandiwe arrives,finds Zozibini and fighting

Thandiwe:Haibo what’s going on? why are you two fighting?

Zozibini:chommie Samantha started..

Samantha looks for a knife nearby and after finding it she stabbed Zozibini to death

Thandiwe: what the hell just happened? what have you done?!you killed my friend (starts to cry)

Samantha:Ubomile nawe mos…OMG I killed your little friend (laughs hysterically)

Thandiwe: Are you crazy? Aren’t you afraid that if police find out about this you’re going to lose everything you’ve worked hard for?

Samantha: nah I don’t think I am (says jokingly)

Thandiwe: how can you not be? you’ve just killed someone for Piet’s sake (says angrily) And if this comes out,its over for you

Thato calls Samantha

Thato: Samantha where the hell are you it’s been almost 45 minutes since you haven’t come.Is every thing okay?

Samantha: Sorry love…uhm…I…I was just chilling with Zozibini talking about the uhm…the good old days..

Thato: Really Sam?at this time?nx! (drop his phone)

Samantha: so where were we?

Thandiwe: you know what?im calling the police?

Samantha: yey ungalinge.uthi uwabizelani?

Thandiwe: for the crime you commited damnit!!!

Samantha: Ohh no we’re in this together (smiles)

Thandiwe:Kanjani.. how am I involved?you killed my friend and you want me to take the fall? Never!! this space

Samantha calls the police

Tell us: Samantha seems to be determined to ruin Thandiwe’s life.Why you think she would do that?