Sam walks over to Thandiwe..

Thandiwe: hey Sam what are you doing here? (Smiles)

Sam:hey Thandi i came to fetch you , Avethandwa is missing you already.

Thandiwe: you mean ‘only’ Ave misses me? (Says playfully, even forgets that there are people in the room)

Sam:fine you got me…Ave and i are missing you already (smiles and approaches to hug her) so what are you gonna do??

Thandiwe:well let’s go…i also miss her

Thandiwe and Sam leave

Michaella: Wow those two are so inlove and are perfect for each other (the others agree with her except for Samantha)

An hour later the others have left and Samantha ,Thato and zozibini are the only ones left)

Thato: Samantha let’s go its quite late.

Samantha: you can go i just wanna talk to Zozibini about something

Thato:fine you’ll find me at home.. you’re sure you’ll be okay?

Samantha: yeah I’ll be fine…

(Molefe Mansion)

Thandiwe: OMG I forgot my purse at the restaurant .

Sam:Ok love lets go and fetch it

(At the restaurant)

Samantha: zozibini I wanna talk to you about something

Zozibini: about what? (annoyed)

Samantha:Yhoo what’s with the attitude?

Zozibini: attitude? you’re the last person to tell me about my attitude.and I’ve been meaning to ask you..why do you hate Thandiwe?What has she done to you? I’ve seen the way you looked Thandiwe’s husband…Are you really that jelouse of my friend?

Samantha:Yey awume ngemibuzo eminingi…u busy ukhuluma ngenzondi,umona.. who said I’m jelouse of her ? Angiyazi yonke lento ukhuluma ngayo

Zozibini: you know exactly what I’m talking about!

Samantha:yazin ngathi usuzongicasula ke manje mxhosa ndin!

They start fighting..

Tell us: what do you think is going to happen?