“I open my eyes and the light in the room was too shining. The walls were too white not making it better for my eyes . I closed my eyes and opened them again and felt a sting on my elbow and saw a woman dressed in nurse clothes in front of me writing something on a file. My head felt heavy and and I saw a drip was connected to my arm and a oxygen mask wa covering my nose and mouth . The woman had her hair in a bun ,she looked in her twenties. She was checking my BP and temperature. I felt like I would suffocate and I tried to remove the mask.
” You are awake,” the nurse smiled at me and help me remove the mask.
I wondered what was happening . This is a hospital ward I was . How did I get there? All I could remember was Lee Joon who was sleeping beside me .
” Lee …… Chang……Lee Joon,” I tried to talk but my throat was sore like it had stones making my voice sound like a grinding machine . It pain when I tried to talk.
It seemed like I had been in hospital for a long time. I couldn’t even move. I pushed my body roughly.
” You are still weak darling,” she whispered and patted on my leg.
” I will call the doctor,” she assured it was well with her eyes.
A old couple ; the woman had a doek and wore a long blue floral dress with a belt, the man was in a blue jersey and grey trousers,he had a bald and grey moustache. The old couple were accompanied two toddlers who dressed in same black and white tracksuits,they all looked creepy. The old couple smiled when they met my eyes and the toddlers looked sad and confused. I saw their eyes teary but still didn’t understand why they were in my room . I didn’t know this people at all. It made fear invade my body and made my body drip in sweat..I wondered what they wanted in my room . I was in hospital and the scene was just sinking in .
” Baby ,you are awake,” she spoke and glanced with worrisome eyes and rushed to hold my hand but I pulled away.
“Annyong- haseyo,” I rolled my eyes and smirked but I didn’t know what to do.
” Tino and Tata,mama is awake,” she continued and turned to the toddlers who seemed spooked ,they looked at me and then turned their face on the floor.
Who is their mama ? I thought! I touched my chest in shock which was palpating. I looked at them with eyes so glaring and red . I didn’t remember having children. The old man stood by the left side,I was petrified because they were strange . Where is Lee Joon? A man in the middle 30s entered . He had bald head and a moustache and a sweet smile. He was the doctor,I guessed.
” Finally…How are you ,Chichi?” he asked , checking my eyes and gestured me to open my tongue.
” How is she?”the old woman asked worried,
Why would she be worried about me? Curiosity killed the cat. Can’t they leave my room?
” Who are they?” I uttered in a shaky voice.
” You don’t remember,” the doctor asked while smiling at me.
Was I to remember ? I started to scream because my mind was about to burst.
” Please leave … I will talk to you outside,” he turned to the old couple.
The old couple looked worried back and forth towards me. The toodlers were also looking at me as if I had wronged them.
” Please call Lee Joon,” I uttered softly.
” Who is he?” he asked anxiously.
I wondered which country I was . I opened my mouth and said,” Am I in Korea?”
The doctor laughed and shook his head. I had a weird face but confusion was rising in my head. Why was he teasing? Wasn’t he a doctor to help me?
” Why am I here?” I asked trying to get up.
” You need to rest . Your body need to heal but in two days you will be discharged. You were suffering from liver failure,” he replied softly , helping me to rest with my back on the pillow.
” You are in South Africa,” he added and smiled.
Confusions were rising like the waves of the sea and he left me in deep thoughts. I realized and came to terms that I had been in a coma for two weeks . I was in a dream with Lee Joon in Korea but it felt real and live. I just wanted to sleep and keep on dreaming.
A day passed I still couldn’t remember my family and they toddlers that they said I gave birth to. I didn’t want to be discharged but be in a coma for the rest of my life. Life was like walking on thorns to me .
Later that day my so called parents visited me with my favorite Hawaiian pizza with orange fresh squeezed juice and I ate like no one business.I had to accept them but still had no remberance of them.
” Thank you,” I licked my fingers and they smiled gleamly.
They were like good parents . My father and mother sounded strange to me because no memory came in my head making me not trust them enough . If it wasn’t the pizza I wouldn’t have ate,I could eat a poisoned pizza because it made me happy and my favorite.
” I got you tickets to Korea to meet Lee Joon,” my father spoke but I didn’t read in it until I rewind it in my mind.
” You will be discharged and travel to Korea tomorrow. Lee will be waiting for you at Incheon International Airport in Sol” my mother touched my hand but I felt uncomfortable and I pulled away.
” It’s called Seoul,” I corrected her and turned to the window.
My dream have come true. The buzz of my dream was still making butterflies. I meet Lee Joon at the Incheon International Airport but he had disguised himself as a driver. I recognized his facial features and smiled when I saw him holding a board with my name. He wore a black hood with glasses but I could see through him.
” Annyang- haseyo,” he bowed before me and I smiled as he led me to to the black Mercedes Benz in front of the airport.
Happiness is when you dream and get what you want!