Chang wasn’t back and I slept on his bed . I was bored and I decided to talk a walk. The city was quiet from the apartment Chang stayed . The sun was hot and a cold wind passed my head when I took a walk in the street. I didn’t know the place well but I knew I had to travel 10 km back to Howard hotel. He was not going to be happy. I had promised that I would stay at his apartment .
When I arrived my room I told a deep bath and I don’t know how I fell asleep on the bed . The chuckling sound awaken me a hour later,it was a bell ring. I grabbed a gown and wore it quickly because the bell kept ringing and the chuckling sound was irritating.
It was the room service , a young man in the 20s with his cat eyes that drooled me . I guess Koreans were handsome. I stared at him blankly because I was busy idolizing him as Chang .
” Annong – gaseyo,” he bowed in greeting
” Annong ,” I bowed my head slightly while I hold the door and leaned on it as if I didn’t have balance.
He panicked when I kept staring at him while gesturing with y eyes what he wanted . He muttered inaudibly ,I didn’t get it and gave him blank stares.
” Sorry,I was ordered to serve you lunch,” he spoke fluently.
What was the reason to speak in korean when he knew I was black. I smirked ,I wanted to slap him. I gave him way and he pushed the cart inside and I followed him.
” Who send you?” I asked when I came in my senses.
” Mr Lee” he bowed and pushed the tray inside and left.
I was confused and wondered how Chang knew I was back. Seconds later then a knock came on my door .I panicked ,I didn’t know why.
” Who is this now?” I gasped and went straight to the door.
Chang was leaning on the threshold of the door with his face looking down. How did he found me here? I had questions and he quickly grabbed me inside and closed the door in a bang. I could smell the rose scent through his neck.
” Annong- gaseyo,” I bowed playfully and he was staring gleaming at me with a smirk.
” I don’t want people to see me,” he whispered and slomped on my bed which was already creased because I had been sleeping there.
I noticed he had changed clothes . He was now wearing white Jean and white shirt than the navu stripped suit he was wearing earlier. This wasn’t what he wore when he left me at his apartment but I still wondered how he found me.
” How…..,” I murmured.
” I saw you walking and followed you while I was in the car,” he smiled and sat up.
He is crazy right. I was walking by feet . Why didn’t he stop his car and drive me to my hotel? I had a lot of questions. I walked almost 8 km,what a bore!
” I had people from the radio station so I had to drop them off . I lied I had a emergency,” he chuckled.
” Oh… Let have lunch,” I opened the food and he sat on the chair facing me.
I stared at the dishes ,they looked appetizing though strange . I didn’t know what it was.. He grabbed chopstick and ate and looked at me worriedly. I was eating ,I felt nauseated.
” It’s delicious,eat!” he ordered and I took a spoon because I never used a chopstick.
The spicy meat that tasted like fish but I felt it wasn’t fish was delicious. The soup was also good but I couldn’t eat the shrimps. I could see them,I was curious to know the food.
” Can you tell me the dishes please? but they are nice,’ I spoke with a chunk in my mouth.
” This is octopus ,” he replied and continued.
Suddenly my stomach started to rumble like it had stones . I felt like a bottle with stones shaken ,I spat the chunk in my mouth . I felt nauseated and rushed to the bathroom.
” Baby….. I lied it’s fish ,” he giggled .
I took long in the bath ,I didn’t vomit but I felt like I would like. He stood on the threshold and laughed. It wasn’t funny. I felt annoyed and wanted to punch him.
” Baby .. I never make you eat what you never ate before. I also researched what African eat. What is the white stuff you eat with meat?” he asked interested
I smirked but I didn’t want to laugh . He walked closer me and hold my waist. My knees wobbled and i was weak. He kissed my neck ,I felt better . The nausea disappeared and I looked towards him and kissed him deeply on his lips
I don’t know how but his hands were caressing my breasts and I kissed him deeply while walking slowly to the bed. He removed my jacket and continued to caress my soft body. I gave him .
After a hour I remembered what had happened and I woke up and peeked inside the duvet that covered me . I was naked and he lay beside me ,one his hand was on my waist. I removed his hand slowly and sat up with my knees.
‘” I just know him for a few days and I already slept with him… Chichi ,you are stupid!” I sighed and smacked my head with my hand.
” You aren’t stupid… I love you,” a voice spoke while yawning behind me .
I couldn’t believe he head me and I closed my mouth with my hands in shock. I felt my buttocks wet.
” What? What is that warm ?” he shouted and pulled the blanket away.
I was embarrassed. How could I pee in the blankets? I covered my face with hands and leaned on my knees.