It my third day with Chang and I feel so great,I wish it woud last forever. I don’t want to return to Africa but I want to make Korea my home but I have financial crisis. I had booked the hotel for a week and my ticket was return one. I sat down browsing through Chang’s things that afternoon. I was alone but understood he had to work.
I found his old music album and played it. He danger in his language but I felt my soul lightened. I heated a bowl of noodles and spicy chicken he had brought from a Japanese restaurant. I remembered him telling me that he was going to see his sister . He didn’t want her to see me so he decided to meet her at another city . He pretended to have meeting there.
” I will go see my sister ,” he spoke sincerely.
” Why is he hiding me?” I asked myself and brush my chin with my finger.
” What the hell is that?” I sighed but he had already disappeared.
The music was good to hear ,soul feeding but I couldn’t hear his voice. The song was lovely. But I couldn’t stop thinking of ‘ Jal- ga’ words he said . It mean something ,I will ask him later.I also couldn’t distinguish if it was his voice in the music. The way he spoke was straight forward. The album was for MBLAQ , a group he sang with .
“I should ask him to sing ‘ What I want to give’ for me,” I whispered to myself.
I fell asleep on the couch while the music played. I panicked when I felt something on my neck. I opened one eye and realized he was back. He was kissing my neck sending signals all over my body. I felt weak and his hand stroked my breasts. I wanted it but I was scared. He caressed my breast making me weaker. I pushed him aside .
” Annong”
” What ? ….Last time you said something..,” he interrupted me while I pointed him with my finger.
” I said bye in Korea the informal way ‘Jal- ga’ and ‘ Annong ‘ is greeting,” he tried to kiss me again.
” Please stop,” I murmured and he sat upright.
” I’m sorry…. Did you eat?” he was trying to change the topic and he swallowed. You did think he was swallowing something by movement of bone on his neck.
” I had noodles and spicy chicken,” I fixed my dress and sat upright.
” You should try ramen…. It’s my favorite or konjac noodles,” he suggested but I didn’t know what it was so I ignored him.
” Ramen is a Japanese noodle soup,” he explained and I still wonder what was the difference between ramen and noodles.
” Ramen is made of Chinese style wheat noodles served in meat or fish based broth and flavoured with soy sauce and toppings like menma ,scallions and noticed which is dried seaweed,” he added.
” What?……. I remember I saw on a video … Tha is ramen?” I exclaimed.
” You will love it,” he brushed my shoulder gently and I smiled.
” Baby,I have to go to work,” he quickly removed his shirt.
I felt chills go to my spine when I saw his broad light skinned chest and I wanted to feel it. But something was in my mind. How could I forget the way the greet and say bye . I was such a fool .
‘ The counselling session ‘
” Can you take me to the counselling centre? ” I backed politely.
“You can’t go! I’m afraid something might happen to you. I won’t be back soon…….Stay at home please? I promise I will take you out tomorrow,” he promised and made a love sign gesture with his fingers .
I knew what it meant because I saw it on his miniseries,’ My Father Is Strange’.