My crush
I had no one to take me from the airport but I was anxious and scared being in a land I never been. I stood there with my heart racing like it explode while everyone was going their business. The Koreans didn’t notice my existence and went on their business as I strolled down the stairs to catch a taxi to my hotel room. I wanted to enjoy my few days before my second book re editing. I noticed the airport was called Incheon International Airport because of the big billboard in front.
” Was this Soeul?”
All I knew was that the airport was in South Korea.The voices of people nearby were drawing in my ears but I never spoken Korean so I waited for someone who could speak English. A young man in a black jacket was staring at me near the exit door ,it made me shiver. I always wanted to be here but I never had communication with a Koreans but from what I watched on TV , I adored them. I loved the sound of the language and I even tried to pronounce some words.
” Are you needing a taxi?” he smiled . He knew I was a foreigner that why he spoke in English .
” Howard Johnson Hotel,” I uttered fluently .
I drew attention of by passers ,I guess they could tell I was new around . There were dark sly figures I saw standing by a alley. I suspect they were thieves . The taxi driver took my two bags and shoved them at the boot and with me being nervous I jumped quickly in the taxi .
I guessed each country had it’s shady people around the airport to attack visitors. As I watched the road through the window,I smiled. I saw big buildings and we passed a bridge that flatter me. There was a ea with be coming on and cormorant dive bombed ,it was spectacular. India was next in my agenda. I always loved the Asian continent.
” Finally I’ m in Korea,” I screamed and the driver was looking at me through the rearview.
I sat up shyly but I was happy. To my surprise the journey was only few minutes away. I took long to alight from the taxi. The driver opened the door for me after putting my luggage down . A young man dressed in black suit welcomed me to the hotel . My eyes were prying on something that attracted me . A man was coming my direction,he looked like someone I had seen before. He wore a hoody but I noticed his rabbit teeth and long straight nose and handsome face. There was a star tatooed in red on his neck but it looked like a sticker. Maybe he was a celebrity.
The scent from his body wished he was mine ,I looked back as he strolled away in the thin air. The weather was cool because it was end of summer ..
” Welcome ma’am… Welcome to Howard Johnson hotel!” the young man smiled and bowed .
I looked at him then back at the direction the man who I was attracted to . My mind was feeling crazy and stupid.Why do I feel my spine shiver ? My stomach had goosebumps.
” A room for one,” I spoke to the receptionist.My voice was shaky and nervous.
Why were they staring at me as a stranger as if they hadn’t seen a black person? Even the other receptionists by a counter gave me weird stares. One was a woman in black suit with a black tie. It was a uniform. The other two were man with no smile on their faces. It made me unease and tense..
” Are you here to teach English?” a voice sounded behind me .
” You want a single or double?” the receptionist asked .
” Double!” I replied and turned behind me .
I wanted to slap her because she think I couldn’t afford double.
A man with undercut ,short in height smiled at me. He had a card hanging around his neck with ‘ Manager ‘. I sensed he was the one running orders of the hotel. I was wondering if many Koreans speak English because no one talked with me in their language.
‘ Oh I’ m black’
” No, I ‘ m here to stay and relax,” I answered and he bowed to me.
The manager smiled tenderly and looked straight in my eyes.
” Please take the lady to her room ” he instructed a chaffauer .
He gestured with his hand for me to follow the man who had my bags with me. I followed him with pride. I was stepping in a gold mine and will be a Queen. I was wearing my skinny jean and white T-shirt with a flip open jersey. I walked confidently like a king. I will live firmly in my reality.