” We cure all diseases like cancer and HIV or herpes,” a voice shouted in the street. ” Come and buy the traditional herb which will make ur body clean from all diseases,” the voice added again.

After a long bumpy journey Bright heard the voice then he saw his reflection on the glass walls of Jet store. He looked skinny. He took note of it but thought as long he was taking his medicine ,he was fine. His CD4 was below 500 but above 250 and his Viral load was undetectable. But he was taking medicine which was tiring to him. Unlike Jessica who had been stopped because her CD 4 was above 2000. The thought irritated Bright.She infected him​ with HIV because he had never cheated. If only she was faithful to him.

” We have medicine for even incurable disease. The doctor lie when they say there is no cure. They want you to buy medicine all your life. HIV can be cured,” the voice shouted again.

He walked towards the man and stare at him wondering how he was going to mention HIV in front of the crowd. Though everyone was minding their own business about he was never open about his status. It was a embarrassment to him.

” You can go in that room and fill a form and pay for the medicine,” a short bald man with a long beard looked straight in his eyes. The man looked like Rick Ross,the singer but mysterious and peculiar.

He was dressed in a shirt with brown stones and leaves ,he looked shabby.He had short hair and had a cap hung on the belts of his satchel. He was holding a pile of papers in his hands . He had big glasses than his eyes.

” How much is it?” he whispered to the man who was targeting other customers.

” Just go in that room quickly,” he ordered to him.

The man shove him to the passage-way of a old building with paint falling off. Bright got hold of the paper which the man was giving to by-passers. Bright stared at it before he entered​ the room with had a pigment smell of cigarettes and old urine. It was closed and he heard voiced of two or three people talking. He stared​ at the paper and saw there was ‘ Bring back lost lover’ ; make money with small boys.

 His blood went cold and his body shivered.He recalled a incident of a guy he worked with. The guy was warning him and other co-workers about what happened to his cousin earlier that month of August. It was a busy day but during lunch the guy ,Miles came and sat with others which was unusual. He was a introvert,he liked​ to be by himself.

” My cousin was tired of sickness. He is HIV and all he wanted was to be normal. He said the medicine made him more sick and he thought he never be well. A friend of his recommend a sangoma from Malawi proclaiming he healed HIV but soon after he took the medicine. He saw snakes and tokoloshe in his dream. He lost his job and his son. His wife ran away because they saw real snakes and tokoloshe in their house,” he narrated unto puzzled faces.

” You,that’s terrific”

” I never believed in sangoma. But if God say there will be incurable diseases it means He is the only one who can cure it”

” That sangoma sold his soul,Shame ! “

” Guys I just warn you.If you are HIV ,just drink ur meds,” he ordered sincerely.

” I will never even do that even if the medicine isn’t working,” Bright blanted out loudly and everyone stared at him with questioning eyes.

” Are out on meds?,” a Minute asked.

” He must also HIV positive , don’t you think?” 

” What a shock!”

” It must have been hard on you” 

Bright realized he had disclosed his status and he stormed out the staffroom and went to the toilet and he leaned on the wall and took deep breaths.

” Guys let’s not do that ! He need our support,” Miles suggested but the murmuring didn’t stop .

Bright came back to reality and realized he was in a strange place to get herbs to heal which he told his friends he would never will do and he turned his back but a man wearing a cloth around his waist grabbed him. He had a necklace of bones around his neck.

” Where do you think you are going?” his voice sounded deep.

” Sorry,I have to go,” he pulled his hand to get off the grip..

” I can heal you ! I can see that you are suffering with AIDs,” he hold tightly to Bright’s hand while sizing him with his eyes.

Bright realized he had to do something without offending the man but he feared the man would force him. This proved to him that this man was fake and want him to associate with tokoloshe and snakes. He put his hand in his pocket and took out his phone and answered it.

” I am on my way,” he spoke on his phone while staring at the man with big eyes that scared him. He put his phone back in his pocket.

” I have to go urgently,” he spoke but his body felt something trying to take his soul.

” Please,” he pleaded.

” You will be back right?” the man asked and Bright nodded.

The man released his hand and Bright ran like he was being chased. His body was shaky that he nearly sold his soul to the devil. He vowed in his heart to never return.