It’s finally the day of graduation, ever since me and Eric got back together a few months ago, he has been catching up with his school work and I’ve been helping him with assignments that he missed out on.
Honestly I’m glad to have him back in my life, ever since he came back, my life has been good so far. No one tried to mess in our relationship again.
After graduating, we made our way to one of the closest fast food restaurants. This one was New and it opened just across the beach, next to the restaurant.
Me, raven, Eric and Jack ordered some extra large fries, double cheese burgers, nuggets and a large milkshake for each of us. Samantha and Jessica will be joining us later. Jessica has to finish one of her last customers by the hairdresser and Sam is on her way her from college.
And hour later Jessica walks in and we order her what we’ve just eaten, we also order for Sam since she’s on her way here, she must probably be hungry right now.
Raven looks at Jessica with jealousy written all over her face, while she holds onto Jack tight. Of cause girls will be afraid of Jessica stealing their man, she is beautiful after all.
Jessica laughs at how overprotective raven is with Jack.

“Dont worry honey, I won’t steal him from you”

“Yeah, you have absolutely nothing to worry about raven, Jessica is into girls”
Eric adds.
Wait what? How come they never told me anything.
Raven looks slightly embarrassed and smiles sheepishly.

“Its okay raven, I get that a lot. I wouldn’t mind chasing that chick over there though”
We all burst out laughing.
Samantha walks in and she and Jessica instantly lock eyes with each other. They stared at each other for what felt like minutes, until I decided to end the silence. I cleared my throat to get their attention.
They both looked at me, Samantha blushed and started eating her food, while Jessica had a devious smirk on her face. Oh no please don’t tell me that these two are going down tonight. I pretend gag at them and they just laugh.
I didn’t know that my sister was into girls. Why didn’t she tell me and Jack anything?

3 years later
I Finally graduated my two year course for the work that I really wanna do. Tonight Eric is having a party for me. It’s my birthday also,Eric is graduating next year. We all went to college, raven and Jack got married two years ago and they are currently expecting a little one. Jessica and Samantha hit it off perfectly and they are still together, they are talking about marriage. Me and Eric have been going strong these past few years.
After graduating I made my way home to the apartment that me and Eric share, I quickly took a shower and put on my black dress with my high heels. My brother will come and pick me up within the next 10 minutes, so I don’t have enough time.
My hair is already styled and curled because it was my graduation, so all I did was do some touch ups to my hair and make up. Right on cue, I heard the hooter of my brothers car. I make sure that I have everything I need in my purse.
Phone Check
Keys Check
wallet Check
Powerbank Check
Lipstick Check
I walk out the house, locking it behind and I get into the passenger seat. I kissed my brother on the cheek and we made our way to the place where Eric is having my party.
Jack won’t tell details about the party, all he says is, ” wait until you get there”
It’s honestly getting on my nerves. I let it go and we reach our destination.
When I enter the hall, Jack informs me that the party is being held upstairs. I make my way to the party and I’m surprised by how beautiful it looks, it even has a balcony.
I’m met with most of my family, my dad isn’t here, I’m not surprised though, he has never been here.
A while after I’m introduced to his family, Eric pulls me aside and we make our way to the balcony. In so amazed by how beautiful the sky looks at night I didn’t realise that Eric wasn’t standing behind me anymore. Instead, he was on one knee.
Instantly my eyes are filled with tears. Okay so now I’m about to ruin my makeup.

“Hannah, I’ve loved you since day one. Ever since I saw you, I knew that you would be the one for me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Hannah, I want you to be the mother of my kids, I want you to be my wife, I wanna be with you through everything that you go through in life. I wanna be the best husband, the best father, I wanna be everything that you want me to be. I love you Hannah, I wouldn’t trade you for anyone. I know that your brother and best friend/ sister in law almost kicked my ass for what I did to you back then. I’m not going to lie, I’m kind of nervous being on one knee right now.”
He swallows nervously before continuing. At this point tears were streaming down my face, I couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“So Hannah, I want you to make me the most happiest man on earth. Will you marry me?”
I squealed with excitement.

“Yes, yes, yes, a million yeses”
He slips the ring on my finger and I admire how beautiful it looks for what seems like hours.
We enter the party and we are surrounded by happy and excited people. My mom broke down in tears.

“My baby is getting married,oh my god I can’t wait,oh imagine the grand babies that I’ll be getting from you too”

“Mom stop, okay now you’re going to far”
I say while laughing.
Eric just smirks at me. Oh boy, how am I going to handle this one.