Hannah’s POV
I know that I shouldn’t be concerned,but Eric hasn’t been in school for the past two weeks. The night of our break up, I heard that he was an emotional wreck. I came to school the next day, only to find Jason, Alex and chase with their faces messed up.
They didn’t even look my way, the same with the blonde bimbo. Sara has been ignoring me since that night,I’ve been expecting her to come at me the next day,but surprisingly she didn’t. She looked like she was afraid.
Eric hasn’t even tried to call me or anything like I thought he would have done. Aren’t guys the ones that constantly call and message you to try and get you to talk to them? Well it seems Eric isn’t one to do that.
I’m happy when he does come to School though, but he avoids me. He hurt me, he hurt me real bad, I have never experienced that kind of hurt.
Ever since we broke up,my mood has also been decreasing lately. I’m not that happy girl I was before and after I met Eric. Now I’m constantly sad and heartbroken. Raven tried talking to me, I just pushed that talk away and forced her to talk about something else.
It is now break and time for me to meet raven and Jack for lunch. Raven and Jack has been dating for some time now. Honestly, I’m jealous, I was once in love and I once had that. They deserve it though, I miss going out on those dates.

“You okay there bud?”
I looked up and them and forced a smile. Right now I feel like a third wheel.

“Yeah, I’m okay”
Raven looks at me with a sad smile,she knows that I’m not Okay,she’s knows that I’m not Okay.

“You know, you should speak to me pumpkin..apparently he’s been in and out of jail this past few weeks, for his violent outbursts”
I looked at my brother shocked and confused. In jail? Eric is not someone who goes to jail, he is civil.

“Yeah, and his been a mess ever since you left him. Rumour has it, that he went back to the party, got himself drunk,and beat the hell out of Jason,chase and Alex”
Raven says.
Ahh, so that’s why they have been ignoring me lately. Now I understand why none of them has bothered me, they afraid that Eric will beat them up again.
Somehow I feel bad for what I did to Eric. Somehow I feel like I’m the cause for him changing. I don’t know what to do right now, he hurt me.

“Speak to him and sort everything out Hannah…maybe You could be the one to put a stop to all of this. I feel like the guy genuinely loves you. It’s been weeks now, and I can see that you miss him”
Raven’s right, maybe I should go speak to him. I don’t want him ending up in jail for a few years because of me. Maybe if I let him explain, he wouldn’t have suffered like this.
I nod at raven and give her a small smile, I guess that I have to go and find him later then.
The day went by smoothly,and much quicker than usual. I think about all the spots that he could be at.
His house? Nope, he hasn’t been there for two weeks.
The bar? Nope not there either.
His favorite fast food restaurant? Not there either.
The pools? Not there either.
The parking lot he always parks his car in? Not there either.
The library? Not there either.
I was starting to run out of options on where he could be, honestly I was starting to worry about him. What if something happened to him.
A thought then came into mind.
The beach behind the restaurant that we had our first date.
I quickly drove over to the restaurant and find his car parked in the parking lot. I walk over to the beach and see a figure sitting on the sand.
I slowly and quietly make my way over to him without him knowing that I was there. I was debating whether or not to leave. I felt bad for what I put him through, and right now I didn’t know what to say. What I heard from him broke my heart.

“I miss you Hannah, I love you”
I didn’t know how it really affected him, until I heard him cry. I have never heard Eric cry before,I look at the bottle of wine next to him and I realise that he was drinking. How the hell was he even driving while being drunk?
I made my way over to him, and I put my hand on his shoulder. He turned around,and when he saw me,he instantly wrapped his arms around me.
Now it was my turn to cry,I missed him so, so ,so much. Right now I never wanna let him go, ever again.

“I’m sorry Hannah. I should have told you,but I promise you Hannah I really changed, I didn’t lie when I said that I love you. I still do and I will always love you.”

“I know Eric, I know. I love you too. Can we start over, I miss you and i can’t do this anymore. It hurts Eric, it hurts too much”
I wrapped my arms around his neck and I kiss him.
This was the start to a new life, a new journey.