
With Sello gone to check up on his business, it gave me a chance to look around the house. Every door that I opened was like an adventure to another world, everything in this house was breathtakingly beautiful.

Now moving on to another door, the door didn’t open. That was weird only door out of so many was locked, before I could ponder the idea a little bit more. My phone rang, the caller ID read Sbonga panick took over a little but I ended up answering.


“You just decided to divorce me, why? Out of everything that I have done for you.”

I could hear the pain and hurt dripping on his voice. “I appreciate it all, really I do. But Sbonga there was no longer spark between it was only the usual boring routine and I was tired of it.”

“And you never cared to mention it? We could have done things differently, but you just decided to leave. I loved your daughter like she was my own, and this is how you treat me?”

“I’m sorry but,”

“Let me finish.” He said as he cut me off “Everyone warned me about you Thandiwe, I knew that I shouldn’t have came back here and tried to work it out with you but despite my better judgement I came back and learnt to love you again.”


“I was there for you when your mother kicked you out, and I was there for you when that lecturer left you pregnant and humiliated by his wife. I was the one who was there. I was the one who picked up the pieces and tried to put you back to being the you that I know and now you decided to go to another damn rich guy. What’s wrong with you?”

“Rich guy?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Sello or whatever his name is came here, you could tell that he smelt of money. He came here to collect the divorce papers and told me not to bother myself picking up Thandi from school.” He paused for a second “I hope he treats you the way you want to be treated cause obviously I failed.” And from there the phone went quiet only to find out that the call had ended.

I tried to call again but ended up getting to voicemail. I went to sit down, he was right all that he said was truth and I guess that’s why it had cut so deep.