” From today you must start cooking your own pot for yourself and your children. Since you have a business mind now,” my mother instructed with her face mocking me.

I had no problem because I had hope everything would be fine one day. Day by day I had much profit that I raised money to buy more stock and add more stock like chips and biscuits on the list. I didn’t give up, my children had all their needs.

” I guess life wanted me to learn to be strong,” I whispered to myself as a customer walk away after buying three packs of popcorns. I looked at the notes and coins in my purse and I smiled with hope.

In a month I had cigarettes​ added on the list and I made hot dogs and burgers . I was happy though I knew I had nobody and people started to envy me. Even my neighbors, they were shocked that the so called AIDS I had ,my customers were not afraid of it. I thought they would chase my customers but people loved me. 

” How much are the popcorns?” she asked shyly.

” 2 Rand,” I replied smiling.

” Wow, give me one,” she handed me a five Rand.

I search for change and gave her three rand.

” Give me two and keep the change,” she pushed​ my hand and I smiled because I could pop more and make more profit.

” Thank you!” I murmured in shock and watched her disappear in the thin air.

I didn’t notice my sister, Tshidi was behind me, she laughed hysterically.

” So you are friendly to the people who hurt you,” she shook her head with a smirk on her face.

” If I were you, I would chase them away !”

 My baby was crying for a lollipop that I grabbed from him. I didn’t respond to Tshidi but sat down and took my baby in my hands and patted him on my chest Tshidi’ s eyes were questioning and mocking.

” You have a heart,” she added and jested away.

I would never do wrong for wrong but good for all because one day it would come back to me. I noticed that when you respond to crazy people you will be the craziest and end up having a headache. Silence is the best since I couldn’t control people’s​ words and actions.

I accepted I was me and would never be anybody because each one of is unique and different. I was special in my own way and I had to embrace it. My business was doing well,more than my sister’s that I made biggest enemies with my family again.

My father would agree with anything my mother . I would say like he was under my mother’s authority. He was a ‘yes, yes ‘ to my mother even when my mother would say jump on the fire.

” I went to the prophet and they told me one of my relatives doesn’t want my business to prosper,” Tshidi grumbled.

” Obvious it’s her,” she winked at her and I knew she meant me.

My mind was another planet. I had to move or a fight would break through. Nobody supported me, though I had my own support. I asked around for rooms to let. I didn’t let anyone know my plans because I knew my parents would object. My mother and sister wanted me to suffer in their eyes but I wasn’t giving in.

” She is a witch who bewitched her sister. How could business blossomed out of nowhere? ” a voice spoke while I was dashing off to find a cheap room.

” She took a ‘ tokoloshe’ and she will kill innocent people.”

I wanted to laugh. Did they know my family to be innocent? I smirked and pretended not to hear.

” Indeed from popcorns now she sell burgers and have orders coming on,” another murmured.

I didn’t look back to avoid arguments and anger. I just told myself to forgive them for they didn’t know what they doing. 

 Next day found a cheap room but in another city. I didn’t know how to break the news to my family. But my mind was battling because I wanted to question them why they call me a witch. My heart ached but I knew that I wouldn’t get answers at all but cause a havoc. I returned and found my mother and father in lounge eating dinner while my children watched on. That wasn’t the issue though !

” Mama and Papa, I have something to say,” I spoke calmly.

” If it’s about food…. I told you to buy your own food for your children. Didn’t I tell you to let these leeches go to their family,” my mother hissed with a chuck in her mouth.

I didn’t have time to object but let me get down to business, ” I am moving out”

There was a moment of silent until a laughter broke. There was a laughter in kitchen, it was Tshidi, I know and other one was from my mother.

” Where will you sleep? Do you have pots and a stove? You leave my blankets and all my things. You hear?” she sounded harsh and serious and pointed at me with her index finger.

” Okay mama… I will still leave,” I rubbed my lips against another, confidently.