” I can’t believe you slept with a celebrity,” she slapped her two hands and opened her wide eyes.

” Didn’t we end this story a while ago”

” You mocking at me again?” she shouted while putting her left hand on her waist .

She clicked her tongue and strolled to the window. The air was fresh and she looked through the window. A couple appeared and they hold hands , it reminded her of Lee Changsun. Chichi sighed and she didn’t realize Zane standing near her.

” You are obsessed with this actors.You must stop it or else you will even sleep with Lee Joon and Richard Weng,” she pointed to the wall.

There was a big poster of Lee Joon and another with Richard Weng with Hu Yuxian on the wall near her bed. Zane was curious because she saw lot of pictures of this Asian actors.

” Lee Joon was my boyfriend,” she spoke with pride.

” You lie?”she nudged her.

“What about Richard?”

“I adore him”

There were seconds of silence.

” I like Richard Weng… one day he will be my boyfriend too”

” I used to like him too but he has a dark side I don’ t like,” she rolled her eyes when she reminisced the role on the series ‘ Eternal Love’.

Chichi chuckled and hurried and took her phone from the table and returned to the window. She scrolled up and down and showed Zane the pictures she still had which were the only memories of Lee .

” Wow,” she opened her eyes wide in shock.

” This was beautiful but you made a mistake and seduced that Zha…… whatever . What happened between you and Lee Joon?” she puzzled but sighed .

Chichi carried on staring at the sky, deep in thoughts. The clock was ticking loudly in her ears, she realized it was time for their shift.

” Lets go,” she grabbed her phone and raced out of the house.

” Where should we go? Come on … tell me what happened?” Zane could be heard following slowly. 


“Your one night stand is here,” she giggled 

Chichi sighed,annoyed and smacked her shoulder. Zane frowned and sighed, rolling her eyes. The two ladies were in the corridor cleaning the floor. Suddenly Richard Weng and Hu Yuxian appeared. Chichi nudged Zane’s left side of body.

” I have seen him in real,” she smiled in excitement. 

” Sshuussh,” Chichi warned.

Richard stared at them vigilantly and Chichi smiled. Hu Yuxian was busy looking at her phone and carefully walking steady. He waved his hand toeard them, with a beautiful smile and entered a room. Zane peed on herself, she couldn’t contain the happiness she had.

” He waved at me,” she jumped like a toodler that had been given sweets.

” Seriously… I thought I was the only one crazy in love with celebrity. Now we are now square!” she laughed and stormed out

With embarrassment Zane rushed to the bathroom while Chichi went to take a breather outside.She leaned on the wall and laughed. She didn’t notice people coming towards the door and Xing Zhalion was among them. The chinese language sounded funny to Chichi and gave stares. She saw Zhalion but he looked away when their eyes met.

She clicked her tongue ,” A coward ! Sies “

But her heart pained when she thought how loose she was and slept with a guy who didn’t care for her. She saw herself as a prostitute. Regretting was always late , she wished she could erase the memories. Lee Joon wouldn’t treat her like that.At least she had beautiful memories with him. She felt a empty void in her heart and acknowledged  she missed him. Tears trickled in her eyes but wouldn’t come out. 


The rooms were getting dark Chichi assumed it was already night and Zane left because she had something personal to take care off. The manager begged her to stay to serve refreshments to guest. 

” This China treat me like a slave. I should have knocked off already,” she frowned

Zhalion walked toward her to get juice from the table where Chichi was sitting behind.

” That bastard thought he would just get a cookie and it’s over,” she clicked her tongue.

She didn’t notice Zhalion listening to her.

” He think he is cute …. i hate you Xing,” she shouted and closed her mouth when she sensed a presense.

“Nì….”( You)

She was blank like a statue with only her heart pounding like a grinding mill.

” You… you asked for it. I didn’t do anything wrong. You better shut up and stop talking about it. Nothing happened that day,” he turned while showing his threatening eyes.

” What will you do?” she asked with courage and stood closely him that she could smell his strong fragrance and hair spray.

” Nì(You)…..You..” he pointed his finger before getting interrupted. 

Chichi smiled when he noticed he forget that she didn’t speak chinese at all.

“Qin’āi de nî qù nă erle?”( Darling where have you been?) a female voice sound behind.