My heart was thrown in a lion’s den

Ripped by payara teeth.

Leeches suck my blood like no body’s business,

Vultures floating around singing songs of victory,

Crunching their teeth.

Breaking my bones,

Breaking my rib cage.

There we go again, carnivore picked my precious heart.

I could hear its last heartbeat before it was swallowed.

Drowning in a carnivore’s body, drifting away from me.


I found myself in a tunnel with no light,

I turned to the left and turned to the right the silent was so loud.

Voices in my head whispered love songs.

I was crawling on my knees looking for a way out.

I was a zombie living in a carnivore’s body.

Rainbow was the only thing I needed to see, and all I saw was a coffin with my body inside.

Pain floods my heart.