Your love
Your love is beautiful and different
Knowing that I am having you
means a lot.
Knowing that I am having you
It’s a blessing.
Seeing you on daily basis
to smell your perfume is amazing.
Every time I get you in my arms
I get to feel the warmth of your love
and that soft side of your smile.
Every second longing for your hug.
Every second I am longing for you to log in
On WhatsApp, so I can type.
Your love
It’s so sweet and polite.
Its something I never expected
Imperfect just how I like it. baby, you are my type.
can you give this love a chance to work?
I don’t want to be apart from you
but to be your partner.
I pass these words with a cheerful heart
for you the light of my love.
Your love
Brings joy to my heart. the smile on my face
and those feels in my body
that makes me just want to share
every moment with you.
I am not ashamed to say I adore you
I chose to open a door of my heart for you.
Forgive me if I am going too fast
It’s just that when I feel the love I express it.
I find love beautiful, so I embrace it.
By A.ngozi