Young love ,so good to be true.

The love journey,a long journey

With heavy storms in it.

So easy to promise forever

Promise to love till breathing no longer takes place .

Then forgot promises made !

What do young ones know about forever?

Talk about matrimony,when you both drunk by the love wine.

Only to end up taking separate different paths.

When the years go up,we go through changes path .

Discover,we both not worth to keep forever .

Can promise to be there in every storm

Even in the heaviest storms.

Then save yourself only ,during all of those.

Look straight in each other’s eyes

Without blinking,saying forever

Choose other lovers ,to write your love story with .

Replace each other ,with new lovers

If things are meant to be

I will find you

You will find me

We were young

This time ,might do it right

Fate will decide!