It’s not easy to see the person you thought would be your best friend forever leave you.

It’s not easy when they leave you on read.

It’s not easy when they tell you that you don’t need to know everything in their life.

It’s not easy to see them lie to you.

It’s not easy when they break your heart.

Why isn’t breaking a heart a crime.


Why is it that I’m the one suffering for her actions.

Why am I the one in pain.

Why do I care so much.

Why do I have attachment issues.


God why do you hurt me.

Why do I look ugly.

Why does no one want to be my friend.

Why does everyone I love leave me.

Why is my “best friend” leaving me.


Is it my mistake.

I tried to save the relationship.

I failed.

Why am I like this.

Why do I get hurt so easily.

Why do I feel so much pain.

Why God why.

Why am I like this.

Why do I have to fake a smile everyday.

Why do I have to pretend to be happy when dying inside.

Why do I have to cry.

Why can’t anyone understand me.

Why. Oh. Why.

God why can’t you take me away from this pain.

Or at least take the pain away from me.


What did I do to deserve this.

Why am I treated this way.

Am I not a human being too.

