When I am no longer here

I know you will miss me

Wishing you could hold me one last time

You would be willing to give everything, even a gold dime

You will wonder, what was your crime

That I had to leave before it was time?

When I am no longer here

The words you never said

Will come out without any hiccups

You will wish you could wake me up with a few simple taps

But I will be forever gone

No longer to be reached by phone.

When I am no longer here

You will wish you had treasured me more

That you had introduced me to them all

Tears will keep rolling as you think so

But I will be gone to a place you can’t willingly go.

Death will come for anyone

Even the strongest of us

So make sure you tell people that you love them

For you never know where it will be the last time

They see you

Or you see them.

When I am no longer here

You’ll feel my absence

And in the empty days of your life, memories of us will haunt you like ghosts

Each smile we shared, every word unspoken, embedded in your memory

You may long for one last chance to hold my hand, to hear my laughter

But in that world beyond reach, I’ll watch over you

So cherish what you have today for you never know when you might lose it.