Hayi! Kade ngithi ngiyathula kodwa hayi bo!

Uyayishayisa yami iinhliziyo..

Lo muntu angamazi nokumazi kodwa ke ngimthande ngiqala nokumbona .

When our eyes mated and engaged in a conversation I just knew it! It was meant to be.

Yabona wena , in all the races of love kuwena I attained number one Ngoba.

… I feel safe menginawe Themba lami.

Ngiyahaya manje , iinhliziyo misses you.

I’m in love because of the two-minute glance…

I never believed at love at first sight, kodwa hayi iinhliziyo inele, impela isuthi.

Sthandwa senhliziyo…

Themba lami…

Babazi lami..

Love is ..