Your darkest days
aren’t meant to drown you
but rather to teach you how to swim
without protective gears –
The beauty of the sun
is both when it rises and sets;
The sun never loses its worth,
even on rainy days -:
Remain hopeful,
even when there seems to be no hope –
We’re poets
who hardly make a living
from our creatives;
Our incentives
have become ‘likes & reactions’ –
They embrace our pain,
They praise our hurt
and not how one holds a pen;
“Keep on doing your best”
I can only do my best
when I’m at my worst –
I’ve never written any poem
with a happy heart,
Its always with a heavy heart -:
We were born
into a battlefield,
to fight demons
that coexist and cohabit
within the same room as angels -:
We can never kill what is immortal;
And we can never give life to what is dead;
What was meant to keep you down
will keep you down
even if you’re aren’t down with it -:
We set our own rules,
but we don’t live by our rules;
It’s always by God’s will -: