The voice that tears enemies apart.
The smile that brings joy to to broken-hearted soulsm
The laughter that brings happiness to lovers.
That’s one of an angel
Who prefers peace in everything.
My pride is swallowed by my mistakes.
My mistakes never made me a failure, but proud.
That proudly me, made me overcome everything I thought I wouldn’t.
My downfalls gave me much strength.
The only strong strength I had was to rise up and dust myself.
I loved the moments they called me a failure,
But I hated the moments they felt sorry-like for me.
I loved the moments they laughed at me,
But I hated the moments they held their words in their mouths.
No one understood how can I love and hate, at the exact time.
Except the only old woman.
Mostly I wanted to puke
For those who pretended to wish me luck, but truly wishing me the opposite.