I’m tired

I’m tired of fighting

I’m tired of feeling

I’m tired of breathing

Feeling like I’m suffocating

My chest can’t carry any more burning stone

My body is exhausted from all

These emotions that are draining

The life out of me

Each and every day of my life

I’m tired of hoping for a miracle,

A change or a turnaround

I’m tired of living

Whereas I’m just fighting to survive

I’m tired of praying

Whereas my prayers are not being answered

I’m tired of smiling and laughing

And pretending as if I’m okay

Like everything is fine

While every single dream I ever had

Is crumbling down

I’m tired of wishing

I’m tired

By MJ Thobela

If you are feeling depressed or suicidal, please know that there is help out there and you can get better. Reach out to SADAG counselling 0800 567 567 (toll-free counselling between 8am and 8pm) or their Suicide Crisis Line: 0800 567 567. You are not alone.