I have travelled to many places,
some none have travelled,
some better than the rest,
the trill I got from them can’t be forgotten,
I didn’t use a plane,
nor a bus,
nor did I use a train.
As soon as I flipped over the pages,
I discovered new, uncharted lands,
I met new people,
I lived their life,
I experienced their every emotion as if mine,
their journey was mine,
I wanted to stay in their world forever,
a world where love conquered all,
a world where good triumphed over evil,
a world where I felt I truly belonged
but I couldn’t,
I knew I had to reach the end of the journey,
so I could start a new journey.
As one of my favourite characters said,
“I’m not in love with the idea of love,
or the emotion it brings,
I’m in love with the insanity it brings.”
I’m not in love with the idea of starting a new journey,
rather I am in love with the insanity it brings along,
the controversy it brings to one’s mind,
it’s a drug,
an addiction that even I am aware of,
that I am not willing to quit.