Out and about in the streets of Khayelitsha,
Out of breath and dropping wet,
The storm hasn’t stopped but my heart beats a little slower,dirty flip flops attracting all the dust

Go back Peter,Go back! whispered the crowd of shacks,drips of blood have dried and I have felt non of the morning kisses today,
I could only hear the ruthless crowd,
The dark sky and the beastly thurnder,
I couldn’t stop,
I couldn’t go back,
I needed to hide from the harking thurnder,
I needed to close my ears to arrest the shouting crowd,
Go back Peter,you still far,turn back now!

My heart gave up for a second while my eyes could see the finish line,
I heard two small voices screaming,
Peter when are you ending all this hunger?
you look defeated but we look up to you,
We need the happy ending you promised us!

Vultures grabbing me side to side,
I wasn’t strong enough,
My eyes were closing,
My heart had holes,
I could hear the heavens calling,
I could feel success pulling me close,
I forced a smile as I see the sky clearing and the rain stopping

I couldn’t go back,
My foot were tied on the ground,
My body was so heavy and bloodless,
I couldn’t turn,
My heart was giving up,
I couldn’t be distracted,
I needed to end it all,
I needed that happily ever after ending,
Angels surrounding me cheered just another day in happiness and just like the day after,
I found my happy ending.