When will it end?
The pain that cuts deep
Will it ever go away?
I was unprepared to welcome you back
I was unprepared to open doors for you to stay in my heart

I watched you
While you left my heart and walked away
I watched you
While you made me wipe my tears waving goodbye
My heart saw the light again
I thought the light will not leave me

I am always unprepared for you
The year came and went away
The year were I did not think of blood is thicker than water
My heart and mind were caged by trusting the untrusted,
depending were cruelty is massive than the sea

While you showed me the truth
I thought it was the end of my life
While my mind escaped
My thoughts were a disgrace
Tears used to take out the words for me
Sleepless nights took over me
Tears used to fall everyday

I was alive on the outside
But dead inside
I used to float in pool of tears ,
I never thought the heart I trusted could become the heart of a volcano

Seeing your cruelty made me crack
When will you leave me?
When will you let me be alive again inside?
Go away
I have no room for you