~¶Sometimes we have to acknowledge the pain people give us.
~¶Sometimes we should acknowledge the pain other people feel.
~¶Sometimes we should acknowledge the “antagonists” in our stories.
~¶Sometimes we should acknowledge things that will stay, forever, and cause pain, forever.
~¶I mean everything is just doing its bit, by trying to survive.
~¶Sometimes we shouldn’t blame the illness. ~¶Sometimes we shouldn’t blame anything.
~¶ Even Cancer and all other diseases are only doing their bit by trying to survive.
~¶And thats the goal, a goal everyone aims for, the goal to survive.
~¶Every organism living, is always fighting to survive. ~¶The dead too, fought to survive.
~¶So lets acknowledge US as survivors, of our own little battles, our bodies don’t give up, they fight day and night, just to survive.
~¶Yet again, the goal, the goal to survive.