When no more tears could flow
Losing all semblance of control
You caught them on the way down-
And had compassion on my poor soul.
My eyes, heart, and brain , all silently screaming out in pain.
You heard it, came rushing in, had an umbrella for my rain.
The pouring storm, disassembling my head,
I was so awestruck, couldn’t believe,
That you were so caring, so ready to relieve.
Your words, perspectives, ears, they helped my sinking ship have a rudder.
You reached far, far, far down to lift my poor soul up from the gutter.
Now that storm is gone,
But you taught me very well
There are many more umbrellas out there-
My story they will help me tell.
The truth is that this has been happening in my life a lot lately. . I feel like to not upload this would in some way suggest I am not thankful for it. Sounds grand but I feel it is a great gift to have any in my life… those who reach down to give me some shelter in my storm.