The one woman I never imagined dating,
Has become the woman I now cannot imagine life without,
She plays a huge role in my life,
A role not suitable for just anyone,
My pillar of strength,
The one who doesn’t change,
My straight talker,
The lady who is the reason for my happiness,
A woman who knows the foundation of relationships,
She’s a woman of honour and integrity,
No amount of money can buy her character,
It shows that she was brought up and taught well,
I’m grateful to the mother, who mothered my lady well,
Brought her up and gave her love,
The very same love she now shares with me,
You’re light in my darkest hours,
You’re heat in my coldest ones,
Most importantly, you’re the one my heart chose,
And the one it still chooses daily!
I love and appreciate you babe.