She was a blossoming flower until she withered too early

Abandoned by her mama never knew her papa.

Her life was all but a sad story

Although unlike the rest she never sang any sob stories

Oh but her face expressed all her grief

Her eyes told the story her lips wouldn’t dare say

Although invisible she was so she went unnoticed

Orphaned little thing was having a time of her life

Until she wasn’t.

Now usually when an offspring lays eyes on its birth giver

You would think everything would be all merry but, no

Words were exchanged, doors were banged

Steps were taken but no where near each other

Driven by her rage vision now suddenly blurred,

Boomed off her feet with none to catch her but the ground

As unconsciously she laid

She was triggered and trauma hounded

Subliminally and subconsciously astounded

To a point of a near heart attack experience

She was journaling and fixating

Trying by all means to obey her consciences dictating

All the anger consuming her, has her out of control and just spiraling

Biding on oneself has never been such a gamble

She was a sunflower now turned into a bramble

She was the type of bag you had and needed but fumbled it

A gift handled with haste instead of grace

A journey at rest

Time was found shaking because what happened to pace?

Stagnant little thing pushed to the limit, exhausted to the gutter therefore needed space

Circumstances had her looking like she’s from the Walking Dead

I would have sworn she was in a drug haze

Heart forever pulsating her brain acting like it’s been set ablaze