She is strong.

She holds the knife by its blade.

She rides against the waves of the torrid seas.

She flies against the gust.

She is lion hearted.

She is resilient.

She breathes humanity into this cruel world.

She turns hate into love.

She halts the devil in his tracks.

She turns boys into men.

She turns men into Kings.

You cast her to the wolves and

She triumphs by leading the pack.

She walks through fire,

She walks on water and

She swims with the sharks.

She builds with the bricks thrown at her.

She bears the brunt of any tribulation.

She does what people say she can’t do and

She brings forth into existence of what was nullity.

She effaces the IM in IMPOSSIBLE.

She can move mountains and part the seas.

She can because,

She is a woman.