I give myself seven days to
forget you.
On the first day, I cry.
On the second day, I curse you.
On the third day, I scroll through your Facebook
profile and see that you have added new meaning
to the phrase, ‘moving along swiftly.’
On the fourth day, I take to pen and paper and
scribe that ‘ you are just like the rest of them and
you never deserved me anyway.’
On the fifth day, I take sexy shots of myself and
post them, to remind you of what you have been
On the sixth day, I cry again, reminiscing about the
good times we’ve had and the love we’ve shared.
And on the seventh day, I force myself to accept life
without you and close the last chapter of our love
story for good.
On the eighth day, I realise that it is going to take
more than seven days to forget you but I know I
will, if I take it one day at a time.