One scratch, one peck, as they fondly call me,
I am nobody in the community
Yes, I am a beggar in the street
I am a woman who wore a dirty outfit 
I work during the day and study at night
Hoping to have a future that was so bright
But the way I acted was unpleasant to many
They honestly hated my personality
Every day I am begging for food to live
I became a servant to survive
No one can stop my clear and bright visions
Because this is me, having a strong determination
I can endure life, no matter how tough
Even if they hated me, I would continue my journey
Rejection is my inspiration
The obstacle is my key to building my ambition
As of now, it’s my dream to have a career,
I am proud that once I became a pauper,
Because I was moulded to become resilient
And encounter life full of merriment