Why do we have to be sad?

Just because the day was bad?

Or just because we lost all we had?

The trick is the mind.

It takes one step forward, and the other one stays behind

Sadness is not a good feeling

It torments a person as a human being

Yeah, I hate feeling like that too

It feels like a goo

It’s very disgusting

Life is too short

Yes, the battles are too hot

But we can overcome them

We can conquer them

Let’s not give in to sadness

We can choose to battle it out

Or choose the way out

It depends on your bravery

Or deal with it cowardly

Which is to commit suicide

I know it’s hard

Trust me; I’ve been there

The feelings torment you until you think of suicide

The feeling of happiness watches you while standing aside

But it will all be fine one day.

We are strong, right?

So everything is going to be alright

Just as long as we believe

That happiness will relieve

Us of this pain

Therefore don’t think about death

Think about a birth

To a new perspective so that you will have hope

That down this slope

Lies the happiness we seek.