Look at the sky, morning or night, how it still shines
Look at the birds, morning and night, how they still fly
Look at the flowers, how they’ve still bloomed
See all those beautiful colors created just for you?
The sun still rises and the sun still sets, do you feel the warmth of its rays?
The moon still rises and the moon still sets, have you fallen in love with its shades?
If you’re looking up all you see is the beauty in God’s creation and the beauty of His creation is it was created just for you and me.
That’s the love of the Father, we get to wake up, look up, and marvel.
I know there is bad news round every corner but look up and you’ll see the good works of His hands as a reflection of what stands eternal
You’re loved, you’re seen, and by grace through faith, can you be saved: For no greater love hath man, than Christ who laid down His life, for His bride.