Predators surrounds my inner peace,

nation’s rebels against the one’s who

can’t defend themselves.

Escape route is bracketed by financial

instability on the state income of my life.

Jealous seeks the Innocent soul to die

in the hand’s of the enemy.

Close your eyes and see through the

deep corners of your own soul, that is

the comfort sang by a frightened soul.

Sometimes he wishes to sleep and never

wake up. Emotions strike’s and tear’s flows

like winter rain across his face as the riot

on the streets mock up and scorn till

the same.

Predators see a dreamer that has never

been seen by the descendants during

their lifetime.

The soul endures the thunderstorm that can’t

be tackled, in the midst of the wilderness.

It is sad cry for they do not know what

they’re doing.

They prey on innocent soul’s, I wish these

could have inspired those who took their

lives when their day’s became dark.

Sometimes the end of the storm reveals

the beauty of the rainbow.
May the brutal

wicked nation’s that buries dream’s of the

innocent soul’s be scattered.

May God save like the ancient times, as

the victim put a full-stop for an end on

a white sheet filled with ocean of tear’s

since from the beginning of years.