“Have patient with all things, but. First of all, with yourself.”
Depression closer than peace
Meltdown is no surprise
Tears are my daily companion
Nothing makes sense
Joy lasts a minute
And the smile keeps me from unnecessary questions.

I try to nurture, love and care for myself,
Hoping these feelings would go.
I carry weapons within my mind,
Weapons that could have ended me a decade ago.
What am I doing wrong? Where can I go
For these feelings to go away?
Years, months, days and I am still here,
Still clouded by an overcast cloud.

They say self-love is the only way to get through.
But it isn’t enough,
Self-love wouldn’t keep me balance,
When an earthquake is taking place
Within me.
When every part of me is breaking apart,
When nothing makes sense
And the only enemy I have
Is myself…

But patient love did,
It taught me how to sit,
Hold myself tight when
Nothing made sense.
It showed me reasons why
I should give myself a second chance,
It reminded me…
The journey that led me here.

It sat with me, listen to every details of my pain,
It also taught me how to love myself just as I am.
Loving me through the pain, tears
Questionable thoughts, uncertainty, meltdowns and depression.

Self-love isn’t always enough but patient love will carry you through,
When all you want to do is give up. It teaches you how to love yourself
When nothing make sense.
It shows you how to wait through the storms
How to wait for the sun to shine again,
For brighter days,
Days when waking up isn’t hard and life is much easy to make sense.

While you teach yourself all about self-love,
Please don’t forget about patient love.
For patient love will sustain you through period of your life when
Self-love won’t be enough.