Parents bring you into the world
They raise you with love
Give you everything in the world
Make you happy at all times
Until 19 years later
One of them has been missing for days
He missed christmas with you for no good reason
And then eventually
The other sits you and your sister down
She says” Your father and i, are no longer husband and wife”
You try to process the new info
And she continues to say “Any questions?”
You look and your 10 years old sister
Her face expressionless
What are you hoping to get from her?
And then you realise
What this is going to do to her
To you
You realize you both have been betrayed
And 3 years later the wound is still ever so fresh
Still hurts the same
You are 22 and yet you have decided
You will never get married
You don’t want to be like your parents
That is not the only thing you have decided
You have also made up your mind
Not to ever ever have children
You don’t want to do to them what your parents did to you
You know people will say ‘but you dont have to be like them’
‘You can be a better parent to your own children’
But what if it runs in the family DNA
What if i become the mean parent?