Though I stand in the edge of storms and raging fire

I stand tall fuelled by Purpose and hope from inside

The darkness and winds may howl and tide of suffering may conspire

But I will not yield, I shall touch the skies

The going may get tougher, and steeper may be the climb

but I have batled the dark and conquered the scariest nights

The scars I wear are my armor and I wear them with pride

I am directed and supported with will and strength alone

Though crouds may chant defeat and laugh at my fight

Their words are just dust from the path I pave

for deep within burns in me a flame of unyielding light

one which is no slave to any shadow of shame

and again I will not surrender, crumble or break

For there’s no caging of what is meant to be free

through every storms and quakes I remain rigid

and forge my fate, knowing it only just me

tall may be the montains I am climb and loud may be the thunder sounds

but I stand unshaken and wear my crown

standing my ground, saying my vow

I will not surrender, I will not backdown.