I want to sing a song for you
But I’m not a good singer
I want to write something for you
But I’m not good at writing
So I’ll show you how much I love you
I’ll show you how much you mean to me
I’ll protect you from everything and everyone
I can’t give you the universe
But I’ll give you my love, respect
My loyalty and support
I’ll always give you my best
I’ll be with you through thick and thin
Relax babe I’ll always have your back
Even if the earth disappear
Even if friends and loved ones are gone
You can still count on me
Let’s dance in the rain
Let’s look at the stars in the evening
My love we’ll grow and make flaws together.
The journey called life awaits us.
Your face shall wear a smile not a frown.
Every night we go to bed,
only happiness will reign.