If I could scream
Everything Will be creamed
By my sorrows that run deep
than love don’t tell me about love it’s not real its a temporary bird pet that flies away as soon as it done sucking your blood
All I need is One mic to tell it all
It will not chip when you with it
Not accept your love like before it wont look at your eyes like before when it was amazed asking itself if you were real
Like a snake it Will pour black dark venom in your Eyes so you can see no birds but it
making the journey to recovery bullets hard your wounds will
bust not having sunlight to cover your heart a wounded heart is like a wounded animal
All I need is one mic 🎤 one pen to spit lama on this paper
Birds of the same flock fly together they say so in love how can you fly with a different bird how can you love a bird different from you because like a drug you get addicted to its different feathers than like a Lion it will chew you and kill you once you get to close i need one mic to let those unborn birds know the dangers of love so yearned but when close so hurtful and painful its like a heart attack that killed Moses all I need is one mic
Love is dangerous don’t get to Deep in that Ocean it Will swallow you alive
All I need One mic