I scream up to you oh Lord

Please hear and help me out

I’m on my knees calling upon you

Not only to test your power but to see if I’m still considered as your own

A lot of things have been falling apart on your watch

The world has turned into a hell hole

We’re all victims of a certain heartbreaking incident

But my faith in you has me wiping tears of my beloved brothers and sisters

Wipe their tears with a smile on my face but breaking down inside

Yes I’m br’OK’en in public

But prayer has strengthened me

Believing in you has made me live this far

Please send light upon your children

Help me prove that I’m not mistaken by praising you

I have sinned, not intentionally but you know how the world is

All the temptations that come with having nothing in your hand

Just shower us with blessings and erase all evil weapons formed against us

I know you heard my prayers, thought I’d put it in paper

So that when you start blessing us, I can remind your children that we prayed for those blessings

May peace be upon us all!