I will praise God,

Even in the mountains,and darkest valley of death,

Jesus died for me and you,and was raised for us,

I’m born again through Him,

I’m born free warrior of the Lord,

I will praise Him.

There’s no sadness,

There’s no more lonileness,

I will praise Him and give Him glory,

In Him I feel bright as a smile that lights up the day,

By His Spirit,He lights up my way,

With Him a day is like a thousand years,

A thousand years are like a day,

I will praise Him day to night to morning.

God allow me to praise you in my writings,

As some of your prophets and apostles did

In Him who set us free, I’m new,

He makes me happy as a child on a Christmas morning,

He always support,

All broken – souls,and He comfort.

For I know you’re with us,

He died for my sins and yours in the act of real love,

For I know you O Lord,got plans for us in life,

And they are bigger than we think.