No, there’s not!

A place in Heaven for sin.

All sin will burn,

Alongside our skin.

Rotting in disgust with kin.

From within, we’ll turn to ash,

And our skin will renew,

Just to burn again in the flash.

On earth, we clung to desire,

Followed pleasures, laughed at good,

Laughed at dowers, mocked the higher.

Now our laughter turns to pain,

The harm we caused will come by fire.

Burning, we’ll scream,

The voice that cursed and mocked,

Will scream in agony’s extreme.

The light of fire will unblind,

What we ignored in our mind.

We’ll shake and kneel, beg for relief,

Parched by pain, drink sweat and grief.

Regret fills our thoughts, no escape,

We’ll say, “we didn’t know,”

But truthfully, we did take the shape.

Give a man a book,

Teaching right and wrong,

Give a man wisdom, scribed in song.

Give a man tradition’s lore,

Messages from the divine core.

But no, men won’t learn or bend,

Ignorant, they sin to the end.

Even if plagued, burned, made blind,

Man still sins, heart unkind.

We breathe to live, but not for breath,

Given purpose, yet we cling to death.

Seeking pleasure, we’ll face demise,

Answering why we chose to be unwise.

Arrogant, selfish, envious, cruel,

Dictators, murderers, rapists, tools.

Worse, we who saw evil and ignored,

Punished more for being implored.

We silenced our voices, turned away,

Pretended not to see the fray.

Yes, there’s no place in Heaven’s light,

For those who chose ignorant flight.

We’ll burn with sinners, we ignored their sin,

God alone knows what’s in Heaven’s den.

But one truth we surely glean,

There’s no place in Heaven,

For sin to be seen.